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Beach Stone curlew

Scientific name
Esacus magnirostris

NT Conservation Status

Near threatened
beach stone curlew

Distribution map
beach stone curlew distribution map

Body 560mm

Weight 900-1100g

Factsheet Beach-stone curlew   PDF (688.8 KB)


Beach Stone-curlews are large, ground-dwelling birds with massive uptilted bills, large yellow eye, upper body is predominately grey-brown with distinctive black and white patterning on the face and shoulder and stout legs.


It is less nocturnal than most stone-curlews, and can be seen foraging in daylight, moving slowly and deliberately. Birds tend to head bob when agitated. They stalk prey in the shallows or around rocks.


A single egg is laid directly onto the sand in a shallow scrape. The chick will stay with the parents for 18 months and help raise the following years chick.


Beach Stone-curlews prefer sandy shores and rocky areas along coastal and mangrove mudflats.


Habitat Loss, humans, feral dogs, ATV, feral pigs

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